Saturday, September 23, 2023

Trying Times


In past, on discussions, we'd gleefully dive,

Now they irritate, no longer seem alive.
Wonder what changed, why such emotional rage,
Feeling shunned, scorched by an angry hot blaze.

Why this new shame, what have I missed?
Hurt, painful abyss, lost and dismissed, 
My role now, invisible, to just be there
To listen, care and help, then disappear 

Interactions lead to trysts with pain,
I wonder why this constant refrain.
Never have wronged you, never will I,
Yet unhappiness festers, as days go by

In times past, we always sparked fires,
Healthy discourse, on our deepest desires,
Now, my presence vexes your core,
Constant doubt strands me far from shore.

Unsure what transpired, what did change,
To make interactions feel so strange,
A shadow cast upon our once-clear skies
Leaving me hurt, with bewildering sighs.

Why this shame, what's my cardinal sin,
This distance, immense pain within.
I now often stand stranded, and all alone,
In absolute wilderness, turning to stone.

Unspoken role, to always lend my ears,
To help and listen, calming your fears,
Now, together seems a venture into pain,
Leaving me to ponder, was it all in vain?

I'm uncertain if this is what I’d desire,
Long days of turmoil, emotions on fire,
Unhappiness festers, waves unrelenting,
Unexplored emotional caves, lamenting.

Yet, I'll hold on, through trying days,
Hoping we'll find better ways,
Will wounds heal, bridging the divide
Will our holy ties such storms survive?

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Like a Candle..


Like a candle, I arrived in your darkest hour,

Burning bright to guide with gentle power,

Yet now treated like the moon's distant light,

Forgotten, as if filial love ain't worth a fight!


Like a candle, I watched you chase starry lights,

In shadows, I hid, your guardian moon at night,

Undercurrents of mistrust, now cuts like a knife,

In stormy times, you may miss this steady life.


Like a candle, unnoticed, I silently bloomed,

Lighting your gloom, where darkness consumed,

Burning myself to give you a soft, firm might,

But like the moon, forgotten, even on a quiet night.


Like a candle, ashamed, in the bright city's lights,

My gentle, harmless flame, lost in glaring sights,

As trust diminishes, sinking to depths so low,

I'll burn out, leaving you lost and in woe


Like a candle, I sense shame as you turn away,

Wonder why my feelings, you seem to betray,

Fading as time flows, my warmth still shines through,

This forgotten moon always chose to stand by you.


When the candle's gone, and darkness fills your dawn,

Hope you'll find your way, as new horizons beckon. 

Saturday, August 26, 2023

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Soothing Poetry

What would one do
How could one overcome
How would we not
To unrelenting
Storms succumb
Where can one find
To ease the pains
How’d one stop
Unrelenting tears
That forever rain!

Dear poetry.. Thank you
Without your psychic succor
Your soothing
Feather-like shoulders
De-cluttering life's boulders
To welcome slumbers
People will be lost
In the forests
Of their knotted lives
Ceasing to remain sane
Through unending strife

Note: This is written impromptu for my son, who has not been much into Poetry until now. Today, he said "I wonder how it is to lose urself in Poetry". Hence this write, to someday let him know that losing myself in Poetry, has what has helped me over the years of relentless strife, both professionally and personally. The pain, real or imagined, for the person going through it, its of course real, needing a release. Poetry has been that release valve for me, to overcome my pressures. I hope he develops this ability to pour himself out through poetry, so he can face life without fear of being wrong, making mistakes, or avoiding to risk failures, that make a person, become and remain, human!

Monday, December 2, 2013

Of Clouded Realities

Relationships, like diamonds rare
Shine with brilliance, bright and fair
Though perfect, they may seem to be
Hidden flaws help shape them free.

Atoms seek their bonds to mend
Strength from pressure, steel they bend
Dust becomes hard by dazzling light
In constant force, they find their might.

So, too, with family and friends, we hold
Flawed strengths, precious than gold
Grit and grace, through trials, they last
Unbreakable by fleeting storms that pass.

Yet often human pride will let us fall
Unsatiable ego builds crumbling walls
Truth gets lost in harsh words unkind
And time for clarity we fail to find.

But like the diamond’s subtle glow
Flaws concealed let beauty grow
When ego yields to wisdom's sight
Love and strength burn ever bright!

Ps. Relationships are like diamonds, flaws help forge strong bonds as it requires people to adjust their interactions. However, when they become large and un-managed, these very same flaws cascade and destroy the very foundations that make relationships ‘beautiful’ and ‘priceless’. Once such inclusions rear their ugliness, the cost is often very high, as such egoistic splurges, render the relationship broken and useless.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Morning Fantasy

Seductively hot, yet defenseless he sits lonely on the chair
As she smothers him with her naughty lustful stare
Eager to let her taste buds his lusciously hidden delights savor
Ah.. with her cup of tea she forgets the world entire!

ps. Just to reiterate, there are simple blissful pleasures which are still plenty in this world. However fast and furious we can say the world changes, these are simple addictions one never grows out of. Read coffee, chocolate, etc. for tea, and she for he, or its different combinations, and we pretty much have most of the people in the world accounted for.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Ephemeral Mirages of Life

Synecdoches abound
Yet the gullible heart stubbornly refuses
Lulled by rainbow thoughts of purity
Hanging on… to memories bygone!

Travesty in plain sight.. yet willingly succumb
Locked within social structures of deceit
Lured into traps that always repeat
Emotional fools.. Yes indeed!

ps. I figured this needs an explanation - after some inbox'ed notes / comments. Well it is to highlight a reflection of how people - albeit learned, tend to stay in a cocoon of sorts, wishing things away, dreaming of brighter futures, etc. even when the realities are stark naked in front of them.. ex. abuse - physical, verbal and emotional, in relationships, while hanging on to some utopian sense of 'it will all get better' feeling - even after repeated evidences to the contrary.