Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Nature's Chuckle

.. poem motivated by a surprise day off work yesterday (1/27/2009)

I stood gazing out of my window
Catching a glimpse of snow flurries
Nothing much to write home about
Yet the sight eased my stressful worries

A forced break from the daily grind
Mind forayed into the icy wonderlands
Cycle of nature so perfectly sync’ ed
Our follies upset the sun’s magical winks

Gazing into the horizon I stood humbled
Had we learnt anything from history?
Living our lives in circular paths so endless
Grandiosity leading to eternity of darkness

Felt a cool breeze blow a flurry to my face
And an inner voice cautioned of greed unabated
Ah! purely sublime joy… feeling it swiftly melt
Nature touched me and chuckled, softly reminding
… mankind’s short and fleeting memories!

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