Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Cognitive Dissonance

Wings of dusty fire, infinite icy cold tail
Instill awe-filled fear, brilliance to behold!
Always in haste, galloping at a quick rate
Wishful lovers delight, celestial wonder sights
Out from unknowns, delivered life to earth
Timeless secrets buried, deep and impervious
Lessons for mankind, in your flashes delivered

Rare comets of the mind, fire sparks so bright
Virtuoso wow insights, a heartbeat from thinkers
Minds’ innate beauty, tested and nature-verified!
Cognitive dissonance.. like cosmic perturbations
Spurs inquisitive minds, spiking dazzling insights
Split-second brilliance, sink bubble-thinking drones
Plutocracy and one-upmanships, never good harbingers

Yet, adrenaline-driven wars, for morsels insignificant..
Bureaucracy-infested world, tears drown have-nots
Capitalism-driven famines, future burdened
Like a pebble before the eye, basic needs’ gone invisible
Lulled mediocrity, fueled by pandemic complacency
Blinded… by blunders of collective human stupidity
Slowly, surely sunk by narcissism of small misunderstandings…

Floated by interminably unrelenting brouhahas…

STEM Concepts: Our World

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