Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The Happiness Kaleidoscope

Has any plant ever cared to know
Where the heat comes for it to grow
So did you, didn’t waste a second to know
The love which helped heal your sorrows

A whirlwind of time together, dear honey
Where you came from, I did not bother
That you were there was by itself epiphany
My shoulders blessed, just to be there

Just as we know not where life comes from
You cared not, from where happiness stemmed
Lived long to know each human is on their own
Yet valuable lesson taught, Misery - be scorned!

Life isn’t endless to pause, brood and grieve
Unshackled minds, live free, enjoy and die happy
When the sun sets, doesn’t another day dawn?
If this earth explodes, wouldn’t another be born?

Sample STEM concepts: Mutualism, Moving on, Change

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