Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Soap Bubble Universe

Last night, gazing the skies
From my minuscule abode
that we call mother earth
I wondered in gaping awe
at the infinite star-filled
endless night skies

Questions flash across
Stumped all human minds
What’s out there
Who and why am I, I?
What’s the purpose
Of this insignificant life?

Morn’ Daddy! babbled my son
Come gee it rize… ma' bubblz…
Pure joy… unadulterated…
Yet here I dozed being lost
With so many questions
And so few answers…

Saw my tiny one playing
With his soapy bubble magic
In the company of a
flickering man-made light
Tiny, tiny window of revelation
Yet no other rejoice compares…

I see the earth’s reflection
As the soap bubble expands
What if we’re a speck of dust
On the soap bubble universe
Everything will seem going away
Just like the scientists have found

Ah! my child.. I do see the world
Defined in your toddler plays
Like the expanding soap bubble
Wouldn’t the universe always expand
Is the 50-cent soap water?
the elusive answer…

To physicists' dark energy questions?

Sample STEM concepts: Math, Logic, Physics

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