Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Love-Life-Space Equivalence

Aha! My dear, I see you are at it again
Thumbing the lush tapestry of my pains
Knit together by our indulgence and binge
Why such pleasures in seeing me twinge?

Wish I clued in then to what I see of you now
And not be blinded by the joys love bestowed
Wish I had stepped back and reasoned with calm
And seen the straight line to this apocalyptic storm

Why heart? Why be enticed by love’s black hole
Why willingly subject to the stripping of your soul?
Mystical fields of tumultuous emotional attraction
Lead to a dreadful day of oblivious obliteration

But thanks dear, you have made me reason beckon
This proud heart won’t be lost forever, love-stricken
If love were indeed like the black holes of the world
Escaped souls like mine support life, bright and bold!

Sample STEM concepts: Black holes, time, space

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