Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Quiz Poem

Be it moonless nights or summer’s scorching days
Your need for constant attention has me dazed
When gleefully happy, you completely ignore reason
Sometimes I wish I could charge you with treason

Whether I’m asleep, at work, study or having fun
Does not seem to be of any of your damn concern
Even if I am a bit late, you never forget to remind
Oh! why do you such rapturous attention demand?

I know though, that you are my one and only friend
I also know, that I always to your demands succumb
You know that I cannot live in the world without you
My scourge yet I cant find someone better than you

STEM Concepts: Science Quiz

1 comment:

R. K. Ghosh said...

Nice thoughts expressed cogently and precisely. I hope you shared it with your students:-)