Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Hiroshima talks to Nagasaki

Across the gateway of my heart
I put up a board no entry
But peace passed thru that part
Did you also grant it an entry?

Now just past our 50th anniversary
Old memories are haunting me
Those that made the world worry
Those which destroyed you and me

Memories that will forever linger
In the annuls of humankind's history
Memories that leave many with anger
Events that highlight mankind's cruelty

I wonder if you do also see
Memories that like the oceans swell
Living companion of yours from history
That only your heart can spell

To every new born in my town I wish
Child, when you grow up live such a life
That on earth.. human souls will never perish
And to Gods' envy.. heaven’ll have greater strife

Sample STEM concepts: Nuclear force

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