Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Enviable Pair

To everyone’s envy,
born an inseparable pair
On a solitary mission
to protect and to serve

On icy nights, rain or shine
cool or hot weather
Colorful, indispensable,
forever live with a verve

I wonder at times,
at your celebrity depiction
Without you, some
lose heart to roam the world

Often forgotten too;
cast as a symbol of derision
Yet stealthily
seeking your comfort,
like gold

If I were born again,
I wish a life like yours
A beautiful pair,
... perfect
like images in a mirror
Oh! the abuse you take
for long endless hours
But with a lover nearby,
aint that life perfect dear?
in sad or singing weather..

Answer: Flip-flops, shoes, slippers

Sample STEM concepts: Inventive societal need