Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Where ever I go I have heard
Wants far more than a meal or bread
Wants from my fellow human kind
Wants that have driven existence blind

I have heard wishes for shiny gems
Or their fancy for luxury whims
Wants that seem to have no end
Wants that many a life succumbs

Rarely have I heard wishes to share
Rarely have I seen people not compare
Not yet seen someone wish for hunger
Or pain and sorrow to help become wiser

How could one know, feel and savor?
Days and nights without cyclic wonder
Such is laughter and pain to one another
What's life worth.. if death never lingers!

STEM Concepts: Life's Beauty

1 comment:

Unknown said...

"Not yet seen someone wish for hunger
Or pain and sorrow to help become wiser"

Thought provoking are these two lines